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Company of Heroes France

[Tournoi][3v3] Coh3 Competition


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3v3 Double Elimination Brackets 
All rounds are (BO3)
Standard 500 Victory Points
No Commander/Tactic or Faction bans
Random Starting positions (Allies 1,2,3 / Axies 4,5,6
All factions allowed
5 min Observer delay
8 - 16 Teams 
Broadcasting Twitch is allowed but only on Sunday at 3 pm


3vs3 Vanilla maps multiplayer are allowed 


To participate in the tournament, follow these steps 

1. Join the official Competition discord  via this link :
2. The Sign up message should look like this : 


Chief team Name
Teammate's Names




The competition will last from 17/04/2023 to 05/05/2023. To avoid any overlapping the first rounds will be played during the first Week. The teamleaders are free to organise their schedule "playdates". When a date is found, please notify the moderator. 
Once the teams finish their matches, they have to write the score in the dedicated Discord channel like this :

Chief Team A : 500 / Chief Team B : 0
Screenshot + Replays (for casters)

The number of rounds will depend on the number of participants 

First round : from April 17 to April 21
Second Round / Looser Brackets : from April 24 to April 28
Third Round / Finals : from May 1 to May 5


Please restart CoH3 before any match or game activity, and close external programmes before playing, to avoid crashes.

Crash Procédure :

Player(s) having bugsplat / crash / lost connection withing 10 minutes must inform the opponent and referee of the situation. the referees will announce a rematch. 

If a crash appears after 10 minutes, the advantaged team will be more than likely to earn the victory.

If you encounter any problem before the game prevent the moderator and find a way to reschedule your games in a worst case scenario.

Missing Player(s) : 

Once the "datematch" is fixed, the Teams must be present to make a lobby and proceed to their confrontation. If a player is missing, it must be replaced within 10 minutes. Otherwise the full team will earn the victory. 

Once the "datematch" is fixed, the Teams must be present to make a lobby and proceed to their confrontation. If a Team is missing more than 15 minutes it will automatically lose the match. 

"Datematch" not found : 

Teams that fail to play their rounds by deadline will be disqualified.


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