Mithiriath Posté(e) Juillet 15, 2021 Share Posté(e) Juillet 15, 2021 Liste des mises à jour de CoH 3 depuis la Pré-Alpha. Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Mithiriath Posté(e) Juillet 15, 2021 Auteur Share Posté(e) Juillet 15, 2021 Pre-Alpha Preview - Build 1.0 - 2021/07/13 Taille : ~20Go à télécharger puis 30Go sur le disque. Contenu : Campagne (Campaign) dynamique : On peut choisir entre 3 plans de bataille (compagnies différentes) et jouer 4 missions de la campagne d'Italie avec les factions USF et UKF ; Escarmouche (Skirmish) dynamique : On n'a pas le choix du type de partie et de la carte. On commence aléatoirement avec la faction étasunienne ou britannique contre une faction allemande. On a doit accomplir pour réussir la mission plusieurs objectifs ; Pas de multijoueur ; Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Mithiriath Posté(e) Juillet 15, 2021 Auteur Share Posté(e) Juillet 15, 2021 Pre-Alpha Preview - 2021/07/14 Version : 1.1 Taille : ? Next Turn / Campaign Progress Unavailable – Certain Hardware Configurations Fixed an issue where some below minimum specification hardware, such as older generation Intel i5 processors, do not allow for the player to advance when selecting “next turn." We're working on other issues as well, but wanted to get this fix out as soon as possible. So stay tuned! Source : Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Mithiriath Posté(e) Juillet 15, 2021 Auteur Share Posté(e) Juillet 15, 2021 Pre-Alpha Preview - 2021/07/16 Version : 1.2 Taille : ~216Mo Crash Fixes Fixed a crash on Assault Animation end when squad dies before the animation finishes. Fixed a crash on displaying range visuals on dead units. Fixed a crash when trying to calculate combat preview/initiate assault on dead target. Game can be installed to Unicode directory names Delay on edge camera panning removed Northern airfield progression bug now resolved Source : Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Mithiriath Posté(e) Juillet 22, 2021 Auteur Share Posté(e) Juillet 22, 2021 Pre-Alpha Preview - 2021/07/21 Version : 1.3 Taille : ~293Mo Crash Fixes Fixed a crash when a player captures Monte Cassino on the campaign map. Fixed a crash due to AI Save / Load corruption. Fixed crashes on the campaign map stemming from various abilities or actions. Fixed a number of other crash related issues. Bug Fixes Fixed Campaign Medic Heal. Changed the range to include neighbors. Fixed middle mouse button causing camera to "jump" towards the cursor. CoH-Dev Feedback Changes Campaign Hospital Heal Aura range increased. Range preview on mouse over. Source : Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Mithiriath Posté(e) Novembre 29, 2021 Auteur Share Posté(e) Novembre 29, 2021 Pre-Alpha Preview Fermée - 2021/08/04 Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Mithiriath Posté(e) Novembre 29, 2021 Auteur Share Posté(e) Novembre 29, 2021 Multiplayer Pre-Alpha - 2021/11/30 à 18h jusqu'au 2021/12/07 à 5h (du matin) Version : 1.0 Taille : 11,7Go à télécharger (21,1Go sur le disque). Contenus de la pré-alpha : 2 factions : USF et Wehrmacht ; 4 groupes de bataille : USF Airborne, USF Armoured, German Breakthrough et German Luftwaffe ; 1v1 et 2v2 ; JcJ ou Co-op contre IA ou Solo contre IA ; Conditions de victoire : Points de victoire ou Annihilation ; Partie auto. ou personnalisée ; 4 cartes : Une 1v1 : Twin Beaches ; Trois 2v2 : Pachino Farmlands, Torrente et Aere Perennius ; Pause tactique activée contre l'IA ; Pas d'unités italiennes mais elles seront présentes l'année prochaine (2022) Plus d'infos : Multiplayer Pre-Alpha: Frequently Asked Questions & Known Issues. Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Mithiriath Posté(e) Decembre 2, 2021 Auteur Share Posté(e) Decembre 2, 2021 Multiplayer Pre-Alpha - 2021/12/01 Version : 1.1 Taille : ~198Mo Fixed some matchmaking disconnects and crashes Fixed the missing scroll bar in Friends list Please also be aware that automatch queues may take 3-5 minutes in this current preview. Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Mithiriath Posté(e) Decembre 3, 2021 Auteur Share Posté(e) Decembre 3, 2021 Multiplayer Pre-Alpha - 2021/12/03 Version: 1.2 Size: ~367MoKnown Issues This patch is aimed squarely at addressing top player feedback on gameplay, crash rates, and performance. We had to make a hard choice between not rolling out a patch for the remainder of the Pre-Alpha, or publish one that fixes these issues but also introduces a visual error. We chose the latter as we want players to have a more fun, stable and better performing game as we head into the last three days of this Pre-Alpha test. Thanks for your understanding and continued feedback! Textures and lighting on buildings are flickering or flat. General Fixes Fixed some out of memory and gameplay crashes Fixed the missing model for the Flak 88 Reduced performance issues while edge panning the camera Added scroll bars to friends lists across all screens. Balance Changes Panzerschrek penetration increased Jeep HMG penetration increased Kettenkrad capture speed reduced and health decreased Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Mithiriath Posté(e) Janvier 28, 2022 Auteur Share Posté(e) Janvier 28, 2022 Multiplayer Pre-Alpha Fermée - 2021/12/07 à 5h Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Mithiriath Posté(e) Juillet 13, 2022 Auteur Share Posté(e) Juillet 13, 2022 Mission Alpha (North African Operation) - 2022/07/12 jusqu'au 2022/07/19 à 18h Version: 5.0.62368.0 Size: ~17Go à télécharger (~23Go sur le disque)Contenus Un aperçu sur une mission solo de l'Opération en Afrique du Nord ; Un ensemble d'unités de la faction Deutsches Afrikakorps que l'on joue afin de remplir un ensemble d'objectifs ; Pause tactique. Known Issues Occasional FPS drops in the Ajdabiya mission. Sound may desynchronize on occasion during the Ajdabiya mission. Setting Audio to Low and restarting the game may help reduce this issue. Some visual discrepancies on vehicles (charring, attachments, tints, tracks not animating, etc.). Mortars cannot be picked up from the battlefield. Anti-air gun in the village is missing its asset. Recovery Vehicle may be able to recover targets from further than intended. Certain trucks cannot be recovered as intended. Famo Recovery Half-Trak's self-repair ability is passive despite its tooltip saying 'Click to Activate.' A British 2 Pounder Anti-tank gun in the mission has a fixed position and will not rotate. A building in the final village cannot be completely destroyed. Flak 36 88mm cannot be towed when both towing vehicles are destroyed. Unit call-in abilities do not display Manpower cost. Air call-ins display incorrect target area. Ability only affects one side of the target area. Withdraw ability can target the Flak 36 unintentionally. Unloading infantry from tank-riding may not display the correct animation. Vehicles do not traverse trenches as smoothly as intended. Units may unintentionally abort a retreat order. Reinforcing the Flak 36 causes a grey progress box instead of a proper icon. Tank riding Panzergrenadier squads don’t follow their leader once they disembark the tanks without further instructions. Source : Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Mithiriath Posté(e) Février 27, 2023 Auteur Share Posté(e) Février 27, 2023 Mission Alpha Fermée - 2022/07/19 à 18h Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Mithiriath Posté(e) Février 27, 2023 Auteur Share Posté(e) Février 27, 2023 Multiplayer Tech Test - 2023/01/11 à 19h jusqu'au 2023/01/16 à 19h Version : Taille : ~17Go à télécharger (~21Go sur le disque)Contenus PvP/PvAI Automatch & custom games 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4 4 factions (Allies: British Forces & US Forces - Axis: Deutsches Afrikakorps & Wehrmacht) 12 battlegroups (3 battlegroups per faction): US Forces: Airborne, Armored and Special Operations Battlegroups Wehrmacht: Luftwaffe, Mechanized and Breakthrough Battlegroups British Forces: Indian Artillery, Armored Support and Air & Sea Battlegroups Deutsches Afrikakorps: Armored Support, Italian Combined Arms and Italian Infantry Battlegroups 8 cartes (2 cartes par mode de jeu): Deux 1v1 cartes (Road to Tunis et Twin Beaches) Deux 2v2 cartes (Pachino Farmlands et Torrente) Deux 3v3 cartes (Gazala Landing Ground et L'Aquila) Deux 4v4 cartes (Mignano Gap et Winter Line) Known Issues & Bugs To replay the tutorial mission, you will need to delete your save file under Documents > My Games > Company of Heroes 3 - Playtest If a user begins a game in a Custom lobby and a player tries to join after that lobby is no longer available, they may encounter a crash. Twin Beaches has the incorrect territory point income and Victory point count. Battlegroups may show as pink placeholder boxes after finishing an automatch game. If a player leaves while a match is loading, there may be an error loading match stats afterwards. There is a slight chance that if the host of a lobby searches for an automatch game, then fails the search and leaves the party, once they try to rejoin they will not see themselves in the lobby. If a lobby host selects “Start Match” as a player is changing their Faction selection, they may load into the game with Battlegroups that do not function. The Smoke Launcher ability on the Panzer III cannot be used more than once. When certain units pick up a team weapon from a different faction, they may use that unit’s voice lines. White Phosphorus tracer rounds have the wrong color. The 251 Medium Carrier is missing a voiceline to indicate when Auto-Reinforce is enabled or disabled. Stuka Anti-Tank Loiter ability is not functioning as intended. All Loiter abilities are targeting units in a larger area of effect than intended. Constructing and repairing may cause certain units to t-pose. Text chat box may get wider than intended when typing long messages. Wehrmacht Sniper is missing Veterancy descriptions. Game scaling may default to a low setting causing low resolution and bluriness. Ensure your game scaling is set to 100%. A rendering bug is causing lighting shadow artifacts. A map bug is causing large patches of terrain to lose its decal dressing. Source: Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Mithiriath Posté(e) Février 27, 2023 Auteur Share Posté(e) Février 27, 2023 Multiplayer Tech Test - Build 1.1 - 2023/01/12 Version : Taille : ~197Mo à télécharger (~21Go sur le disque)Note: Yesterday we fixed a crash that was affecting AMD users when they launched the game. This was fixed server side within the first hour of the game being live.General Changes Enabled Annihilation Game Mode in Custom Games. Bug Fixes Fixed a crash when exiting from a match or mission. Fixed a crash where using an ability then opening the Tactical Map would sometimes cause a crash. Fixed a crash when loading into a match. Players should now be able to chat during a match. Fixed an issue where A.I. were unable to use upgrades in certain Battlegroups. Players may see difficulty changes based on this. Source: Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Mithiriath Posté(e) Février 27, 2023 Auteur Share Posté(e) Février 27, 2023 Multiplayer Tech Test - Build 1.2 - 2023/01/13 Version : Taille : ~183Mo à télécharger (~21Go sur le disque)Bug Fixes Improved logging for GPU related crashes. Addressed an exploit where players were able to get more resources than intended. Source: Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Mithiriath Posté(e) Février 27, 2023 Auteur Share Posté(e) Février 27, 2023 Multiplayer Tech Test fermée - 2023/01/16 à 19h Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Mithiriath Posté(e) Février 27, 2023 Auteur Share Posté(e) Février 27, 2023 Company of Heroes 3 - 2023/02/22 un peu avant 19h Version : Pré-chargement Taille : ~21.9Go à télécharger Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Mithiriath Posté(e) Février 27, 2023 Auteur Share Posté(e) Février 27, 2023 Company of Heroes 3 - Date de sortie - 2023/02/23 jeudi un peu avant 19h Version : (alias 1.0) Taille : Rien à télécharger en cas de pré-chargement sinon ~21.9Go à télécharger (~27Go sur le disque) Contenus Solo Campagne italienne Opération en Afrique du nord Escarmouche Multijoueur Coop contre l'IA Partie personnalisée 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 et 4v4 4 factions (Alliés : British Forces & US Forces - Axis : Deutsches Afrikakorps & Wehrmacht) 12 groupements tactique/battlegroups (3 battlegroups par faction): US Forces : Airborne, Armored and Special Operations Battlegroups Wehrmacht : Luftwaffe, Mechanized and Breakthrough Battlegroups British Forces : Indian Artillery, Armored Support and Air & Sea Battlegroups Deutsches Afrikakorps (DAK) : Armored Support, Italian Combined Arms and Italian Infantry Battlegroups 14 cartes : 5 1v1 cartes : Impasse de Pachino Jardins Littoral de Tarente Route vers Tunis/Road to Tunis Plages jumelles/Twin Beaches 4 2v2 cartes : Aere Perennius Convoi de Campbell Terres agricoles de Pachino/Pachino Farmlands Torrente 3 3v3 cartes : L'Aquila Sommet de Mignano Zone d'atterissage de Gazala/Gazala Landing Ground 2 4v4 cartes : Ligne Gustave/Mignano Gap Trouée de Mignano Problèmes connus Our team is incredibly excited to launch Company of Heroes 3 and to have our players explore the Mediterranean theatre. We plan to spend a bit more time gathering your feedback before we discuss future updates, patches, and fixes. Our goal is to allow you the time to explore and experiment with CoH3 so we can identify the top areas of feedback. We plan to follow-up in a few weeks to address as much as we can! For now, please be aware of the known issues below that our team continue to work on. Please also submit Bug Splat/Crash reports as every single report will be read by a developer. They provide us with much needed information for us to resolve issues swiftly. Since finalizing the launch version of CoH 3, we have put an increased number of hours towards bug fixing, polishing, and tuning. Once we observe the launch and gather more data, you can expect larger patches to arrive in the coming weeks. General FIXED If you're experiencing an issue where the game fails to launch, please reboot Steam, then verify your game files. Please let us know if this issue persists. FIXED We're aware of a server error that is affecting a number of users playing multiplayer. Our team is currently investigating. FIXED We're aware of a redemption issue for players trying to redeem their CoH3 code they received when purchasing AMD hardware. The Slow and Steady achievement may not unlock correctly. Stability We are aware of two GPU related crashes. We have fixes for these crashes but require more time to test them internally. We plan on releasing a patch with these fixes shortly after launch. Should these fixes cause more instability, we will revert to our 1.0.0 version of the game. These two crashes account for over 45% of all our crashes during our most recent public test. There are ten crashes we are aware of with low reproductive chances. We will continue working on these fixes and will be monitoring for more data to resolve them. Gameplay The Behind Enemy Lines ability for the US Airborne does not function as intended. Some units get stuck when exiting a building depending on surrounding geometry. Sometimes abilities will overlap existing abilities instead of moving to an empty square in the HUD. This often occurs when upgrading units or unlocking new Veterancy abilities. Campaign Due to the complex nature of the Campaign’s systems, we are expecting some rare edge case issues at launch. We hope to address these in the following weeks after launch. If you become stuck after capturing Salerno or before completing the "Defend Salerno" objective, reload to a save before you destroy the enemy company nearby. Leave the enemy company alive until the "Defend Salerno" objective begins. When the game updates with a patch, save files made during a Skirmish/Mission may be reset to the beginning of the mission or encounter. Sometimes when attempting to garrison a unit, either in a city or a ship, they are unable to in their current position. Try moving the unit and attempting to garrison again. Anzio Annie fires at all player squads instead of specific targets. This causes an increased difficulty spike we hope to fix in a later patch. Audio We found in our last public test that in instances with HMGs, they were taking up most of our sound scape, not allowing other audio files to play. The audio team continues to investigate instances like this to improve our audio quality and accuracy. UI/UX If Singleplayer is not available from the Main Menu, please ensure that you are not in a party. Some portraits or icons may appear lower resolution or not scaling correctly to the user interface. These will continue to be updated and addressed in the future. Some portraits are not displaying their updated artwork. Holding the ESC key on cinematics to skip them sometimes displays the Victory screen. If all game mode buttons in the Main Menu are greyed out, except for Single Player, check your network connection or the Relic Forums for server maintenance. The pop-up “Cheats Input Prioritized” appears in the top left corner when pressing specific key binds meant for Modding. If the key bind is pressed again, this box will disappear. Graphics/Rendering To use Ultra Texture settings, you need a GPU with minimum 16 GB of Memory. High will require 8GB of GPU Memory. We are working on lowering the Ultra requirements after launch. Instability or crashing may occur when switching settings around monitor resolution and windowed mode or when alt-tab/alt-enter during game. We are looking to make improvements in a future patch. Depending on your GPU, when zooming in and out of the map, base textures might begin to flicker. A fix for this is in progress. We have enabled scalable ambient occlusion on units and vehicles and improved their blending. We continue to investigate improvements for our visuals based on player feedback. Modding & Modding Tools The CoH3 modding tools function slightly differently from the CoH2 modding tools. As such, there may be a bit of a learning curve to get used to them and replicate the work modders will have done in past titles. Though players can override many values when it comes to balancing, certain values will not be able to change. The overrides for editing squad, vehicle, and building properties may be limited in certain circumstances as there are certain restrictions on blueprints. To move squads or vehicles, modders will need to either add mission prefabs to spawn them or spawn/move them via the scenario SCAR script associated with a scenario. Pop cap cannot be adjusted with Tuning Packs but can be adjusted via SCAR in Game Modes. Tech trees for Battlegroups currently cannot be changed, though we are investigating potential solutions. However, players can modify many of the aspects and dependencies that make up other tech trees. Source : Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Mithiriath Posté(e) Février 27, 2023 Auteur Share Posté(e) Février 27, 2023 MaJ v1.0.0.8651 (alias 1.0.1) - 2023/02/24 vendredi Taille : 297Mo (~27Go sur le disque) Please continue to submit Bug Splat/Crash reports, as a developer will read every single report, it provides us with much-needed information for us to resolve issues swiftly. We plan to have another hotfix on Monday, February 27th, patch 1.0.2, which is focused on three major issues with stability. Stability Fixed a crash when players ended a turn in the Dynamic Campaign Map. Gameplay Afrikakorps Armored Reserves Deployment Upgrade cost from 150 Manpower and 50 Fuel to 200 Manpower and 150 Fuel. Afrikakorps call-in Costs increased for Assault Groups to 600 Manpower, and 80 Fuel. Afrikakorps Tiger cost from 900 Manpower to 800 Manpower and 180 Fuel. Increasing the build time of Afrikakorps Panzergrenadier Squad from 13 to 25 seconds. Fixed an issue where American AI overused recovery vehicles if they took the Armored Battlegroup. Campaign Due to the complex nature of these features, we are expecting some rare edge cases at launch, which we hope to address in the days ahead. Fixed a progression blocker when destroying bridges in the Benevento Mission via Italy Campaign. UI/UX GUC (Global Unit Control) no longer resets its position to the bottom left when entering a new match Fixed an issue where cinematics was not triggering correctly at the start of the North African Operation. Fixed an issue when party lead is passed to a player, they are unable to create or join custom games. Fixed an issue where "Single Player" label is greyed out after an automatch game Server Error no longer occurs when Quick Match search is started for a party consisting of more than one player. Graphics/Rendering Please make sure your graphics driver is up to date. To use Ultra Texture settings you need a GPU with minimum 16 GB of Memory. High needs 8GB of GPU Memory. We are working on lowering the Ultra requirements after launch. Source : Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Mithiriath Posté(e) Février 28, 2023 Auteur Share Posté(e) Février 28, 2023 MaJ v1.0.0.8713 (alias 1.0.2) - 2023/02/27 lundi Taille : 187Mo These GPU crash fixes aim to address the largest portion of our current crash rate and instability. We will be monitoring our crash rate after releasing this patch and determining if we need to rollback. Please report and continue to send us Bugsplats. We are targeting another hotfix this week and are still working to confirm those fixes. The 1.0.3 hotfix will include an Audio pass, along with addressing progression blockers and additional crash fixes. Note: Mid-mission saves will be invalidated after all patches and hot fixes. Please revert to a previous autosave to continue your progress. We will do our best to minimize the frequency of patches while also providing estimated release dates. Stability/Crashes Fixed a rendering issue with shadows flickering causing instability in the GPU. Reduced building textures flickering when zooming in & out and moving the camera. Fixed window sizing crashes on the GPU when using ALT +TAB, ALT + ENTER, and/or minimizing the game. Source : Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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