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[Actu][MaJ] Version 64 bit + MaJ communautaire des cartes

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Patch de ~757Mo comprenant le jeu en version 64 bit et la mise à jour communautaire des cartes. Le jeu est maintenant multiplate-forme sur Windows entre les joueurs ayant le jeu sur Steam et ceux l'ayant sur Microsoft Game Pass / Windows Store. Le jeu devrait bénéficier d'une meilleure stabilité et d'une amélioration des performances générales.

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Message publié par Relic :


We've received reports of issues with the 64-bit update and are working to assess and resolve them.

We'll share updates when we have them.

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Message d'Andy sur le forum officiel :


Hi everyone,

We hope you are enjoying the 64 bit update thus far.

If you encounter any bugs, it would be great if you could report them here.

Note, before reporting, please ensure you have verified your game files.

If after verifying your game files, you are having major issues or consistent crashes, firstly please submit bugsplat reports.

Additionally, feel free to submit details of your issue here. Providing your hardware specs would also be useful.

Known Issue Workarounds

  • Unable to launch mod tools or worldbuilder: If you wish to use either of these tools immediately, you can patch to the 32 bit legacy beta. Instructions outlined here

  • For players using a 240hz monitor who are experiencing a blank screen: For now, please add "-refresh 120" to your Steam launch arguments.

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Message publié par Andy (de chez Relic) :


Hi everyone,

We are excited and hopeful that you all are enjoying the 64bit update so far!

We are focusing on some bugs that have impacted certain hardware configurations, and are aiming for a hotfix next week to address them.

This hotfix will include:

  • Sync Errors related to AMD and Intel processors playing together in the same match
  • A fix for another generalized Sync Error
  • Addition of archive.exe (for Mod tools and World Builder users)
  • A fix for a crash when applying snowcap to model without a mesh

Additionally we are targeting a server side fix for leaderboard and player card display issues. This is unrelated to the 64 Bit Update.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Relic va publier cette semaine (du 1 février) un autre hotfix concernant les soucis de connexion et autres bogues liés à la mise à jour du jeu en version 64 bit. Le "Winter Balance Patch" ne sera pas publié tant que ces soucis ne seront pas corrigés.


Andy_RE (29/01/2021) : Hi everyone,

We are targeting another hotfix for early next week (1st Feb) focused on connectivity issues and other bugs.

The Winter Balance Patch will not be released imminently. We will publish this update once more immediate priorities have been addressed.


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