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Non le pire c'est vraiment les MG ... Qu'il les remette comme avant.  C'est tellement facile de jouer MG42 + Grenadier + MG 42. Personne peut te contourner, les mortier si t'es assez intelligent et avec assez de micro gestion tu évites de te l'es faire tué.

Elle suppresse en 2 secondes elles font des dégâts monstres. 

Enfin je parle en 2v2 3v3 et 4v4 je fais pas de 1v1 (c'était dja le cas sur le 1 ca changera pas sur le 2)

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juste une question

voila je joue actuellement encore à la béta, car je l'ai précommandé est ce qu'il va falloir installé le jeu en entier pour le 25/06 ou le code que l'on va rentrer pour pouvoir jouer, va simplement rajouter ce qu'il manque du jeu ?

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J'en sais rien normalement c'est du only steam donc normalement tu auras un code a rentrer sur steam si tu l'as pas préco sur steam. 

D'ailleurs je trouves qu'ils ont craqué dernièrement sur les allemands... les MG 42 sont immondes...

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Non le pire c'est vraiment les MG ... Qu'il les remette comme avant.  C'est tellement facile de jouer MG42 + Grenadier + MG 42. Personne peut te contourner, les mortier si t'es assez intelligent et avec assez de micro gestion tu évites de te l'es faire tué.

Elle suppresse en 2 secondes elles font des dégâts monstres. 

Enfin je parle en 2v2 3v3 et 4v4 je fais pas de 1v1 (c'était dja le cas sur le 1 ca changera pas sur le 2)

Pour le peu que j'ai joué, les MG sont facilement contournable surtout en 1vs1.


En parlant des MG, ils n'ont toujours pas changer leurs sons qui n'est pas du tout réaliste. Vivement un nouveau sound pack comme sur CoH 1.

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Nouveau patch (


Updates for June 20th, 2013



- Getting a squad weapon while using an accessory weapon will now switch to the squad weapon when finished
- Dispatch not counting as 'building' a unit for intel bulletins
- Fixed squad inside a building doesn't obey attack order to attack a specific enemy squad
- User can now use mini map to dispatch units from the Commander Bar
- Shock Troops no longer lose any Picked up Weapons when the Squad is upgrade with PPSh-41 Sub Machine Guns
- The player now has to build the SU76 as well as all other tank types in order to gain the "[filtered]e of life" achievement
- Fixed german flame saturation ability
- Concrete Piercing Round Hotkeychanged
- Removing team weapon crew sight radius when abandoning the team weapon
- Adding Tool Tip for pop costs to the dispatch units
- Fixed a selection issue with resource and victory points in the world.
They are smaller now and it's easier to move troops around the points
- Fixing t-70's self repair ability


Skirmish AI


- AIObjectives properly check current leash length before updating leash lengths and forcing a replan
- AIConstruction tasks give up when squads reach 51% health instead of 30% health
- AI now properly checks if a point is valid for capture and doesn't ignore points it owns that are being reverted
- Removed task targets from AI tasks because nothing used them
- When AI is looking for enemy squad clumps to attack, it will now fallback to clumps near squad if there are no clumps in the objective
- When targeting clumps of squads, the AI now only targets clumps
containing at least one stationary squad, and it targets the squad
closest the centre instead of the clump centre
- Squads wanting to fallback due to cold will no longer count toward objective fallback
- AI stats system updates military points on the same frame it adds them
so we no longer have new military points being invalid for one frame
- AI properly detects observation posts as valid military points
- Switch almost all AI code to use average combat ratings instead of instantaneous combat ratings to improve stability
- When searching for heat sources squads will now also check for heat
sources nearby if they cannot find any nearby heat sources within combat
range of their targets
- Cleaned up code for determining if AI squads have good targets so we
can check if they currently have a good target or are assigned a good
- Skirmish AI properly reserves resources and no longer accidentally buys cheap things.
- Skirmish AI builds less observation posts
- Skirmish AI no longer counts team weapon squads when determining if it needs more squads for capturing.
- Skirmish AI now tries to clump its squads together to attack the same
target, and prefers to keep squads attacking targets near each other in
- Skirmish AI now tries harder to prevent reassigning squads to different objectives
- Skirmish AI now scores objective targets based on how close the squads it needs are to the target
- Skirmish AI will now depending on AI difficulty level evaluate
multiple objective targets for the best score before picking one

AI Updates


- AI coordinated move phase now uses setup locations as destinations
instead of objective target like coordinated attack arrival phase to
prevent path finding oscillations when switching between the two phases
- AI attack objective now properly recognizes squads capturing a point
as not being idle and triggers the switch from the move stage to the
engaged stage
- AI leader task no longer overrides the destinations of the follower
tasks screwing up the coordinated attack arrival phase of objectives
- AI leader and follower tasks now have internal timers to reduce oscillation between move and idle states
- Tweaked AI difficulty settings
- Expert AI now gets more resource bonus.
- Easy and Standard AI now captures less of the map




Anti-tank Mine


- Reduced the time to plant the mine from 12 to 6 seconds
- Changed the ability to allow it to be targeted in the fog of war
- Removed the cooldown


Veterancy Change:

- Rates changed from 50%/50% (Damage applied / received damage) to 75%/25%

Anti-Tank grenades and Panzerfaust:
- Range reduced from 20 to 15


- Fixed ghosting in Twitch capturing
- Added default cursor to Twitch
- Added dynamic cursors to Twitch
- Truncate twitch stream title if too long
- Fixed access of deconstructed stack variable
- Fixed garbled Twitch video capturing on AMD machines
- Log Twitch chat errors to the chat log
- Fixed spelling mistake on Rzhed (Spring) description
- Fixed translation issues in non-English languages




- Connectivity fixes
- Change multicore check to be non-fatal. Force number of created threads to minimum of 2
- Dedreased sync errors
- Improved server connectivity
- Improved error messaging for steam connection issues
- Crash fixes
- Fix autodetect for the first time always giving out low settings
- Fix autodetect giving high settings always if the performance test fails
- Made cursors in vista larger (48x48 which is the maximum supported by vista)
- Addressed some audio and video bugs
- Added cancel button to compatiblity mode dialog, remode time delayed
warning for compatibility mode and make it always warn the user
- Turn off mouse cursor trails and shadows in fullscreen mode to avoid invisible cursors in some systems
- Gramatically better error message for compatibility mode
- Updated some localization


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Je joue pas en 1vs1 ça ne m’intéresse pas. Un jeu de stratégie en multi pour moi c'est au moins en 2vs2. ;)

Si tu sais gérer tes MG et tes grenadier il y a rien qui passe ;)
Regarde en 1vs1 le t70 fais chier tout le monde alors qu'en 2vs2 ou + il y a pas de problème :) 

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En espérant qu'il rajouteront les commissaire regarder a 2:43 qui serais d'accord qu'il rajoute sa, car il disent que il font des chose réaliste, mais si il n'y a pas de commissaire sérieusement je vois pas ou il veulent en venir ...............

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