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Company of Heroes France

[Actu][Info] Commander Revamp Preview suite et fin et mise à jour du USF Tech Changes Mod


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Commander Revamp Preview

Message d'Andy (community manager) :


Hey guys, Just wanted to clarify a couple of things. We are now working on the live build for this mod. There will be some minor changes, but by and large, the mod will be released as presented in the updated patch notes post at the top of this page. A finalized patch notes will be posted once the live build is complete. We are aiming for this patch to go live the week of Monday December 10th. Andy

Les changements affectant les deux commandants par faction (Commander Revamp Preview) subiront quelques ajustement mineurs et seront publiés dans le jeu via un patch qui sortira la semaine du lundi 10 décembre.

Source :

USF Tech Changes Mod

Publication des notes des version 1.1 et 1.2 du USF Tech changes mod.

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