Interview sur de Quinn Duffy, Lead Designer de Relic sur Company of Heroes 2
George "12azor" Channing got the opportunity to interview Relic's Lead Designer on Company of Heroes 2, Quinn Duffy, at Carlton House Terrace, London, during the Multiplayer Playtest Event.
COH2.ORG : What are your expectations and hopes from the upcoming BETA? What feedback do you want from the community?
Quinn Duffy :
COH2.ORG : In some of your previous interviews, you've seemed less focused on the E-Sport aspect of COH2, especially when compared to the emphasis THQ has put on the potential for COH2 in that area. Do you feel there is a divide there and is E-Sports a focus for you personally and for COH2?
Quinn Duffy :
COH2.ORG : That leads me nicely onto my next question; you've previously talked lot about the presentation and atmosphere of COH2 and how important it is, are you happy with what you've achieved thus far?
Quinn Duffy :
COH2.ORG : In our previous interview, I asked if there was anything you hadn't been able to include that you wanted to. Has the answer changed since then?
Quinn Duffy :
COH2.ORG : You mentioned in your presentation that the manpower and upkeep system in COH2 will be a lot clearer. Could you expand on that a little and how it is different from COH1?
Quinn Duffy :
COH2.ORG : The major changes from COH1 to COH2, such as the removal of medics and the sniper camouflage change -- are they influenced by how gameplay in COH1 has developed?
Quinn Duffy :
COH2.ORG : With the variety of skins available in COH2, do you think unit recognition may be an issue for some players?
Quinn Duffy :
COH2.ORG : Do you think that the nature of 'Intel Bulletins', the way they are unlocked and the potential synergy with the pre-selection of Commanders might lead to balance issues or matches having pre-determined winners based on these alone?
Quinn Duffy :
COH2.ORG : In the build we're playing today there are Mirror Matches enabled. Is this going to remain in the game for release?
Quinn Duffy :
COH2.ORG : One of the questions that always comes up is about Modding - will players be given access to the tools to mod the game, create maps and custom skins etc.?
Quinn Duffy :
COH2.ORG : What is your favourite unit in COH2?
Quinn Duffy :
COH2.ORG : Have you seen the COH Movie yet and if not do you plan to?
Quinn Duffy :
I'd like to personally thank everyone from THQ and Relic who made the event possible and facilitated this interview and of course the biggest thanks goes to Quinn for being such a willing interviewee and for loving the game as much as we do!
Source :
Changed British emplacement textures.
Changed sounds for all Vickers machine guns.
Changed Panzerfaust effects.
Changed Panzerschreck effects.
Added a proper StG 44 model.
Changed S-Mine effect to the Tiger Aces S-Mine effect.
Added new effects for the Tiger I tank shock ability.
Added new effects for the Tiger II tank shock ability.
Changed Panzerfaust effects.
Changed Panzerschreck effects.
Added new effects for the Tiger I tank shock ability.
U.S. Army
Changed Bazooka effects.
Changed heavy machine gun textures.
Changed several building textures.
Changed sounds for the M1919A4 machine gun.
Reworked Ranger Truck icons.
Added .50cal emplacement to the Infantry doctrine.
Balancing Changes
Removed aiming delay on several tanks while the direct fire ability was active.
Raised Vickers MG team build time to 36 seconds.
Reduced Typhoon rocket barrage damage against buildings and emplacements by 50%
Increased Boys-AT team aim time by several seconds
Added sprint ability to the Commandos PIAT-Squad.
Changed Crusader AA target table from M10 to Stuart.
Changed cost for the Royal Air Force Anti-Tank and Incendiary strike commander tree unlocks to 3.
Raised Churchill Mk. VII call-in cost by 200 to 1300.
Added a veterancy dependent quick-shot ability to the comet tank.
Reduced Churchill AVRE damage against buildings.
Reduced the accuracy of the Comets APDS round by 25%
Removed range dependant accuracy on the Comets APDS round.
Increased Sapper build cost by 2 1/2 manpower per soldier (15 total).
Decreased Infantry Section cost by 3 1/3 manpower per soldier (20 total).
Enemy's will now be stunned by the Tiger I tank shock ability.
Enemy's will now be stunned by the Tiger II tank shock ability.
Tellerminen can now be placed in neutral territory.
Added an additional weapon slot to the Stormtrooper squad.
Added evasive actions to the Stormtrooper command squad.
Added hold facing to the Elephant tank hunter.
Raised Opel Blitz mit FLAK 38 hitpoints by 75 to 275.
Increased SdKfZ 250 mit Wurfrahmen 40 (Stuka zu Fuß) salvo ability cost by 15 ammunition.
Increased SdKfZ 250 mit Wurfrahmen 40 (Stuka zu Fuß) salvo ability recharge time by 10 seconds.
Decreased Brummbär accuracy by 10% on short an medium range.
Added MP 40 upgrade to the Sturmpioniere.
Added Gr. 38 Hl/C (HEAT) ability for the Hetzer.
Decreased build time for the standard PzGren by 0,5 seconds to 8 seconds per soldier (3 seconds total).
Decreased build cost for the standard PzGren by 5 manpower to 60 per soldier (30 total).
U.S. Army
Increased trench gun minimum damage by 20 to 70.
Decreased Urban Warfare Squad Cost by 100 to 450.
Added M1 Thompson upgrade to the Combat Engineers.
Changed targeting priorities for tanks in ambush mode.
Fixed „Unable to perform action“ bug for the smoke-screen ability on all emplacements.
Fixed wrong build time for several squads.
Fixed camouflage on several anti-tank guns. Now all anti-tank guns should not be able to move while camouflaged.
Added reload time for tanks and anti-tank guns when switching from HE to standard AP rounds.
Cromwell Command Tank now receives shared veterancy as intended.
2“ Mortar will now no longer stack when there is only one crew member left.
Removed the word dummy from the fake 25 pounder.
Fixed Panzer IV D and Es HEAT round ability (now penetrates all tanks as intended).
Fixed missing Ostwind textures.
Fixed missing Sandbags on the Jagdpanzer IV (A).
Fixed lFH 18 build-time.
Fixed FLAK 36 build time.
Fixed wrong lockdown icon on the Geschützwagen.
Fixed wrong lockdown icon on the Jagdpanzer IV.
Fixed a bug where the rear-gunner on the SdKfZ 250 would not reappear when the vehicles was completely repaired.
Added missing speeches on mute commander tree unlocks.
Added missing immobilizes message on the Pak 36.
Added smoke-screen ability to the FLAK 38 gun nest.
Fixed Mortar Bunker target tables.
Fixed Pantherturm target tables.
The Mortar Bunker can now be wired with demolitions as intended.
Fixed 88mm FLAK 36 build time.
U.S. Army
Fixed the smoke barrage for all mortars.
The Long-Tom Barrage from the tank commander can now be used, even if APHE rounds are loaded.
Fixed the HE Ability on the M36B1.
Fixed Allied War Machine (will now replace M24 Chaffee and M20 Command Vehicle as intended).
Fixed Tank commander animation on the M8 Stuart.
Fixed Quad .50cal anti-air gun emplacement.
Fixed Quad .50cal anti-air gun on M3 Halftrack.
Fixed M8 Scott Howitzer values.
Added smoke-screen ability to the .50cal Quad gun nest.
Added smoke-screen ability to the 107mm mortar gun nest.
Added missing speeches on mute commander tree unlocks.
Removed Allied War Machine animation on all non-tank units.
Balance Changes
Changed the High Resource starting options:
Increased fuel by 5 to 35.
Increased manpower by 100 to 1000.
Increased ammunition by 10 to 60.
Decreased command points by 1 to 0.
Decreased the cost of the M1919 from 300 manpower 20 ammunition to 270 manpower 20 ammunition.
Increased the cost of the MG 42 from 330 manpower 25 ammunition to 350 manpower 30 ammunition.
Fixed a bug where the Sturmpanzer IV did more damage than the Panzerhaubitze Grille, despite them using the same ammunition.
Fixed a spelling bug on the M8 Scott where hovering over the unit displayed falsely Stuart Light Tank.
Reduced the cost of the Sturmpioniere StG44 upgrade by 25 to be on par with the regular Panzerelite StG44 upgrade cost.
Fixed numerous reinforce costs
Wehrmacht Panzerjäger Squad from 53% to 50%.
Stormtrooper Squad from 73% to 50%.
Remaining Stromtrooper units from 60% to 50%.
Sabotage Squad from 53% to 50%.
Panzerelite Panzergrenadiere from 53% to 50%.
Panzerelite Sturmgrenadiere from 53% to 50%.
WSS squad from 60% to 50%.
Panzerelite Panzerjäger squad from 53% to 50%
Fixed the axis S-Mine detonation radius.
New units
Ju-85 Stuka bomber plane
Flammhetzer 38(t)
Le prochain gros patch aura pour effet d'éffacer totalement la doctrine "terror" par une toute nouvelle qui sera "Propaganda" avec de toutes nouvelles unités de véterans du front de l'est et d'autres SURPRISES que je ne dévoilerai pas ici ça va péter!
Voici en Anglais la chose....
This PROPANGANDA doctrine builds upon the Wehrmachts Reserve Divisions. The men of the valiant Ersatzheer hold the line and ensure that the rapidly advancing Allied forces are brought to an outright halt until more divisional support is given. Comprised mostly of cheaper Ersatzheer units, this doctrine capitalizes early on through the usage of much cheaper units; en masse is it’s starting tactic. As the game wares on, the Ersatzheer units gradually get better and better through the utilization of commander Unlocks. This doctrine will even tually be able to gain support from their more experienced brothers; Men who’ve served on the Eastern Front.
Yep, you heard it right, an all-new doctrine that will be replacing the current Terror Doctrine of the Wehrmacht. The current design of Terror is very, very fuzzy. It has good tanks and very good infantry. With their ability to build Nebelwerfer and use Knights Cross Holder to circumvent the range limitation of those artil lery pieces they are also a formidable artillery force.
With this all inside one doctrine the playstyle of Terror can either be infantry heavy, tank heavy, or you can support your ally with propaganda and artillery. In fact: Terror doesn’t excel at one particular playstyle, it is good at everything and has almost no weakness.
We wanted to go away from this jack-of-all-trades design, we wanted something unique, something that would require the player to work for his victory, work hard. The new doctrine definitely will be the hardest you have ever played. It was built from scratch, we told us: No restrictions! We worked (sometimes even day and night) to bring you an all new and exciting doctrine. Some of you who have played the Dawn of War I series might recognize some of the elements we have incorporated.
So, what is this new doctrine all about? To put it into one word: Infantry. The axis side already has the best tanks. They also have more vehicles in general, so we felt, that it would be too much to bring you another doctrine with heavy tanks, so we focused on the Infantry as the main pillar of this new doctrine. One new unit is the Ersatzheer Gruppe. These men consist of instructors, guard troops and every men who was on vacation or in hospital. They are no formidable fighting force, quite the contrary. They are weak, but they are numerous.
Another new unit are the Ostfront Veteranen. Seasoned soldiers who fought in one of the deadliest battles in human history, and they lived to tell the tale. These soldiers are the best infantry the Third Reich can muster, they know how to adapt to a fighting situation, they always have a backup plan and know how to deal with everything the enemy throws at them. They inspire the troops around them to fight harder and more ferociously.
They truly deserve the label: Elite
Another pillar of the new Propaganda doctrine are the Heroes (for a lack of better wording). These units will either strengthen your and your allies units or weaken the units of the opposing team. If you as a player want your infantry to survive you will need these men.
Stay tuned for more exciting information’s on the new doctrine. We will be talking about the new Sd.Kfz. 250/3-IV “Propaganda Halftrack” and take a deeper look into the Ersatzheer.
"It's the trailer you've all been waiting for! Be sure to tune in to X-Play this Wednesday at 6:30PM EST to watch the world reveal of the Company of Heroes 2 gameplay trailer!
RSVP now to make sure you don't miss your first look at warfare on the Eastern Front! Are you ready to experience Company of Heroes 2?"
Source :
En attendant il tease le trailer ( Merci BlackPearl )
L'heure est sombre. À la tête de troupes de l'Armée rouge, vous participerez à d'âpres combats afin de libérer la Mère Russie de l'envahisseur nazi.
Nous sommes en 1941, au début de ce qui va devenir l'affrontement le plus brutal de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, avec plus de 14 millions de morts chez les militaires. Vous serez témoin de la lutte de l'Armée rouge. Au bord de la défaite, elle se reprendra pour triompher de l'Allemagne sur le théâtre d'opérations le plus éprouvant et le plus coûteux en vies humaines de toute la guerre : le front de l'Est. Votre sens tactique est en mesure de faire basculer la situation. Lancez-vous dans des affrontements tactiques qui mettront à l'épreuve vos talents de chef et participez à l'effort de guerre de l'Union soviétique de Moscou à Berlin.
Répondez à l'appel de la Mère-Patrie !
Principales caractéristiques
Une série récompensée à de multiples reprises – La suite du jeu de stratégie le mieux noté de tous les temps arrive avec une expérience militaire innovante qui va, une nouvelle fois, redéfinir le genre de la stratégie
Essence 3.0 Engine – Une technologie de pointe améliorant la qualité des graphismes et donnant aux combats une précision meurtrière grâce au système inédit TrueSight™ qui va modifier à jamais le combat stratégique
Des combats tactiques – Développez et exploitez vos nouvelles compétences de commandant et ressentez la brutalité des combats en première ligne grâce aux nouvelles tactiques de combat dynamiques
Des affrontements intenses en ligne – Les modes multijoueurs compétitifs et coopératifs que les fans attendent de cette série saluée pour ses qualités et acclamée par la critique
Côté caractéristique minimal cela reste correct pour la plupart des machines surtout d'ici l'année prochaine :
OS: Windows Vista (32bit), Windows 7
Processor: 2Ghz Intel Core2 Duo or Equivalent
Memory: 2GB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 6.5GB
Video Card: 256MB Direct3D 10 capable video card (GeForce 8800 or RadeonHD 2900)
DirectX®: 9.0c
Additional: Internet Connection
Un pack complet est également disponible pour 79,99 Euro avec les trois premier Volet de Company of Heroes.
Présentation :
Homme par escouade : 3
Coût : 250 View attachment: Icon_Manpower_Small.png 3 View attachment: Icon_PopCap_Small.png
Coût en Manpower / Minute : -1.34 View attachment: Icon_Manpower_Small.png/ Homme
Produit par : Quartier de la Wehrmacht
Coût de renforcement : 43View attachment: Icon_Manpower_Small.png
Vie par homme : 55 View attachment: Icon_Health_Small.png
Utilisation :
La MG42 est une arme très puissante de la Wehrmacht.
Pour pouvoir être utilisé elle doit être installé.
La MG ne tire que dans l'angle de tir (Cône Jaune dans le screenshot ci-dessus). Veillez à bien ajuster cette angle de tir pour éviter de vous faire contourner votre MG42.
La pose de la MG42 peut prendre un certains temps. Celui-ci est représenté par une barre blanche comme vous pouvez le voir sur le screenshot ci-dessous.
La MG est une arme intéressante dans le défense de point important. Elle dispose d'une puissance de feu importante contre l'infanterie et les petits véhicules (Jeep, Bren).
Elle dispose contre l'infanterie d'un tir de suppression. Dans la seconde ou une MG 42 tire sur une unité celle ci se couche (Sauf celle en couverture).
Derrière une ligne de troupe lors d'un combat, la MG42 peut être décisive grâce au tir de suppression.
Conseil : La portée de la MG42 est plus longue que le rayon de sa vue. Il est intéressant d'utiliser une Moto en reconnaissance pour tirer plus loin. De plus quand votre MG42 est niveau 3 grâce à la vétérance celle ci voit aussi loin qu'elle tir.
Faiblesse :
La principale faiblesse de la MG42 est sa mobilité. Elle ne tire que dans un angle définis. Il est donc fréquent que l'ennemi cherche à contourner votre MG42. Il est toujours intéressant de l'accompagner d'une section de Sapeur lanceflamme ou d'un Volksgrenadier.
Il est aussi conseillé de faire attention au section pouvant courir grâce à une habilité comme les Parachutistes, Rangers, ou les Britanniques avec un lieutenant gradé
De plus le mortier et le sniper sont des ennemis naturel de la MG 42 faites donc très attention à ces deux unités.