What’s on the horizon?
Closed Beta will go live shortly after the New Year, that’s when everyone who scored keys from Events and our Pre-Order customers will get access. As well as finalizing the builds, we have been clocking up the air miles on a World Press Tour, showing off our multiplayer modes. We’re stoked to tell you that the press coverage will hit on the 10th of December, along with a kickass new trailer shortly afterward. The news will break on most major websites first and then be linked up on our community site, of course!
Another goal for these letters is to shed some light on topics that the community is talking about. For this one, the Command Pass seemed like a no brainer, so here goes…
Building on experiences from our previous titles, we’re committed to improving our post launch support efforts, by regularly updating the game. This means lots of bug fixing, balance updates and FREE content, for everyone to enjoy. For those interested in more, we’re now excited to introduce the Command Pass - an opt-in upgrade that offers perks like advanced map access, special event access and other bonuses. It’s free for pre-order customers who purchase the Digital Collector’s Edition and a 1 time cost/lifetime upgrade for anyone that didn’t get in on the pre-order goodness. More detailed information will absolutely be available later.
Hope that helps some! I’ll keep surfing the forums looking for more hot topics, so keep up the discussions and hope to see you online soon!
Greg Wilson
Producer – Company of Heroes 2
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